Smart Steps

Smart Steps is a road safety program for educators of young children under the age of eight. It facilitates a partnership between early childhood educators and parents/carers to guide young children's learning in becoming safe and independent road users of the future.

The program links to the:

Smart Steps Workshop

The Smart Steps professional learning workshop supports those working in early childhood education. Browse and register for any upcoming workshops.

It provides participants with the opportunity to:

  • explore why children are at risk in the traffic environment
  • unpack the Smart Steps resources that focus on passenger safety, pedestrian safety and safety on wheels
  • consider how to guide children to becoming safer road users and embed road safety education in early learning curriculum and practices
  • discuss strategies that can engage parents and carers in their children’s road safety education.

Smart Steps Resources for Early Learning Educators

When an educator, facilitator or leader attends a Smart Steps workshop they will be provided with all the resources needed to run a Smart Steps session for parents and carers. The resources include ideas for adults to help young children develop skills, behaviours and attitudes to become safer whilst travelling as passengers, pedestrians and users of bikes and wheeled toys. 

Visit the Smart Steps Resources page to access:

  • National Practices for Early Childhood and Road Safety Education
  • case studies using the National Practices for Early Childhood and Road Safety Education
  • the Smart Steps Presenter's Kit 
  • resources to teach, explore and practice road safety including:
    1.  road safety storybooks, featuring our road safety mascot Izzy, that have road safety messages for young children and families
    2.  road safety storybooks, written by Danny Katz and illustrated by Mitch Vane, sharing road safety messages suitable for early childhood programs and families
    3.  Smart Steps songs
    4.  Izzy online games and colouring in sheets for children
    5.   child car restraint brochures.

Smart Steps Resources for Parents

Smart Steps Road Safety Book for Parents cover imageThe Smart Steps: A Road Safety Booklet for Parents and Carers has key road safety messages for parents to use and share with children such as – always hold a grown up’s hand when crossing the road. The three activity cards in the booklet can be used to engage children in their road safety education.  A free copy of this booklet will be given to parents and carers who attend a Smart Steps education session either through their playgroup, day care centre or early learning centre.

Visit the Smart Steps for Parents page to access a range of road safety education information and resources.

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