Effective School AOD Education

Effective school AOD education focuses on skills development and provides students with the capacity to make healthier and more responsible decisions for their own and others’ safety and wellbeing. We have moved a long way from the traditional approach to AOD education, which focused mainly on provision of information about drugs and their possible harmful consequences.

While still including this, best practice drug education now explores and develops students' drug related knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through use of inclusive and interactive teaching strategies. It fosters resilience through nurturing a sense of belonging and connectedness both to the school and to the broader community and works towards preventing and reducing the harms from drug use.

Want to know more about what effective AOD education involves? Watch the following webinar, Best Practice AOD Education (13.52 mins), conducted by Catriona Coe, SDERA's Drug Education Coordinator. The webinar provides some insight into how you can build an effective AOD education program in your school.

Thumbnail image of Best Practice AOD Education webinar video

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